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Hydrossytem Group et al. Long-Term Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan for the San Francisco Public Commission Water Enterprise - Phase 1 (in review)
Hydrosystem Group et al. Climate-Informed Estimation of Hydrologic Extremes for Robust Adaptation to Non-Stationary Climate. SERDP final report available at:
François, B., Hingray, B., Raynaud, D., Borga, M., Creutin, J.D. 2016, Spatial-temporal Variability of Climate-Related Energy Penetration in Europe; Book Chapter in; COMPLEX Fina Scientific Report, Volume 3a, Establishing Policy-Relevance: Human-Environment Interaction. 8-25, Edited by Winder, N., Liljenström H. and Seaton, R. Published by Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-976048-3-3
François, B., Borga, M., Creutin, J.D., Hingray, B., Raynaud, D., Sauterleute, J.F. 2016, Multiscale Analysis of the Complementarity between Small Run-of-the River and Solar power in Northern Italy; Book Chapter in: COMPLEX Fina Scientific Report, Volume 3a, Establishing Policy-Relevance: Human-Environment Interaction. 26-34, Edited by Winder, N., Liljenström H. and Seaton, R.. Published by Sigtunastiftelsen, Sigtuna, Sweden. ISBN: 978-91-976048-3-3
Hingray, B., Hendrickx, F., Bourqui, M., Creutin, J.D., François, B., Gaihard, J., Lafaysse, M., Le Moine, N., Mathevet, T., Mezghani, A. Monteil, C. 2013, RIWER2030: Regional climate and uncertainties, water resources and associated management from 1860 to 2100 (In french: RIWER2030: Climats régionaux et incertitudes, resources en eau et gestion associée de 1860 à 2100). Final Report Project ANR VMCS 2009-2012, CNRS/LTHE, EDF/LNHE, EDF/DTG, 66pp.